On June 14, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) submitted the Official Proposal No. 3711/TTr-BCT on the transfer of the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) to the MOIT to the Prime Minister.



On June 14, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) submitted the Official Proposal No. 3711/TTr-BCT on the transfer of the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) to the MOIT to the Prime Minister.

In this Official Proposal, the MOIT reported to the Prime Minister these following main contents:

1. Regarding the status of the NLDS (hereinafter referred to as “A0”)

Currently, A0 is a dependent accounting unit of the EVN Group. In consistent with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 168/QĐ-TTg, A0 shall be transferred to a single-member limited liability company operates electricity system and electricity market independently in EVN for the period of 2019 - 2020 and then turn into an independent unit in terms of personnel, legal and finance, not sharing the same interests with the electricity sellers and buyers, with 100% of charter capital held by the State in the period of 2021 - 2025. However, A0’s restructuring plan has not been implemented yet.

2. Options for converting A0 model:

Option 1: A0 becomes a public non-business unit providing electricity system operation and market operations services under the MOIT.

Option 2: A0 becomes a single-member limited liability company operating electricity system and electricity market with 100% state capital under the MOIT.

3. Legal conditions and facilities for the MOIT to directly manage and operate A0.


From the above contents, the MOIT has propose to the Prime Minister as below:

1. Issue the Decision to assign the A0 management to the MOIT.

2. Assign the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (the CMSC) to coordinate with relevant agencies, units reviewing and reporting to the Government on amendments to the regulations on the Charter of organization and operation of the EVN Group; the Project on restructuring the power sector in the direction of converting A0's operating model to the MOIT. Accordingly, the newly established unit shall sign contracts to provide electricity system dispatching services and operate electricity market transactions with EVN or market members according to the approved plan in the A0 model transformation project.

3. Assign ministries (the Ministry of Home Affairs, the MOIT, the Ministry of Labour, War invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Finance) to coordinate with each other and with the CMSC to finalize the regulations to facilitate the transfer and operation in the future.

Below is the detailed Official Proposal 3711/TTr-BCT:

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