The investment market in Vietnam has always been a hot spot that domestic and international investors aim at. Realizing this potential, the State has issued more investment incentive policies to promote stronger business investment activities in Vietnam.



The investment market in Vietnam has always been a hot spot that domestic and international investors aim at. Realizing this potential, the State has issued more investment incentive policies to promote stronger business investment activities in Vietnam. Among them, it is impossible to ignore the List of business lines eligible for special investment incentives and List of business lines eligible for investment incentives. These are the foundation institutions, creating a premise to promote the development of the market economy.

  1. Beneficiaries of investment incentives under the investment law

The sectors receiving special investment incentives by law, specifically Decree 31/2021/ND-CP, include:

  1. List of industries and trades with special investment incentives in the fields of high technology, information technology and supporting industries (08 business lines);
  2. List of industries and trades with special investment incentives in the agricultural sector (08 business lines);
  3. List of industries and trades with special investment incentives in the field of environmental protection and infrastructure construction (06 business lines);
  4. List of industries and trades with special investment incentives in the fields of culture, society, sports and health (10 business lines).
  1. Sectors eligible for investment incentives in Vietnam
  1. List of industries and trades preferential for investment in the fields of science and technology, electronics, mechanics, material production, information technology (20 business lines);
  2. List of industries and trades preferential for investment in the agricultural sector (11 business lines);
  3. List of industries and trades preferential for investment in the field of environmental protection and infrastructure construction (23 business lines);
  4. List of industries and trades preferential for investment in the fields of education, culture, society, sports and health (09 business lines);
  5. List of industries and trades preferential for investment in other fields (04 business lines).

In addition, to enjoy these preferential policies, investors need to meet the conditions required by law, and at the same time carry out procedures according to the order required by competent authorities.

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