On June 10, 2023, the Governmental Office has issued the Official Letter No. 4286/VPCP-CN (hereinafter referred to as Official Letter 4286) on the implementation of a number of tasks to implement synchronously and effectively the Power Development Plan VIII (PDP8).



On June 10, 2023, the Governmental Office has issued the Official Letter No. 4286/VPCP-CN (hereinafter referred to as Official Letter 4286) on the implementation of a number of tasks to implement synchronously and effectively the Power Development Plan VIII (PDP8).

In the Official Letter 4286, the Prime Minister – Pham Minh Chinh has directed the Minister of the MOIT as below:

1. Implementation of the PDP8:
1.1. Urgently develop the PDP8 Implementation Plan in which includes the content of pilot study to assign the EVN Group and qualified domestic enterprises to deploy offshore wind power projects.
1.2. Research, propose mechanisms and policies to mobilize capital, allocate resources to implement the PDP8, including state resources, public-private cooperation, socialization, effective use of international support commitments (JETP, AZEC, …), green credit sources, climate credit, green bonds.
1.3. Research, propose mechanisms and policies to implement the PDP8, especially the bidding and auction mechanism in accordance with the provisions of law.
1.4. Finalize the direct power purchase agreement (DPPA).
1.5. Promulgate regulations to encourage the development of rooftop/distributed solar power projects for the purpose of self-production and self-consumption.

2. Development and finalization of relevant laws, including Law on Electricity and Law on Renewable Energy.

Besides, the Prime Minister also directed the Commission for the State Capital Investment Corporation (
SCIC) to coordinate with the MOIT to adjust the management of the National Load Dispatch Centre (#NLDC) and finalize the EVN reconstructing project in the period of 2021 – 2025.
Below is the details of the Official Letter 4286.

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