On August 18, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Dispatch No. 749/CD-TTg on accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of 2023.



On August 18, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Dispatch No. 749/CD-TTg on accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of 2023. Accordingly, some noteworthy points of this document are summarized as follows:

  • The disbursement rate of public investment capital in 2023 achieved a disbursement rate of 37.85% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister for the first 7 months of the year, which is higher than the same period in 2022 (34.47%). However, there are still many ministries, agencies, and localities with low disbursement rates, which may result in not fully disbursing the allocated funds from the beginning of the year.
  • Given the complex economic situation, at all levels and in all sectors, there is a need for more determined efforts in the disbursement of public investment capital, striving to achieve over 95% of the assigned plan. To achieve this goal, the Prime Minister proposes the following solutions:
  1. Ensuring responsibility in effectively directing the implementation of the proposed solutions in the regular meetings of the Government, Resolution No. 105/NQ-CP, and Dispatch No. 08/CT-TTg, which belong to ministers, heads of agencies under ministries, government agencies, chairpersons of provincial-level People's Committees, and centrally-run cities. Most of these documents address key tasks and solutions for disbursement of public investment capital, as well as issues related to overcoming difficulties in production and business.
  2. Central-level ministries, agencies, and localities are responsible for increasing allocation, implementing, and disbursing public investment capital, accelerating the progress of key national and important projects. To organize effective implementation, the Prime Minister instructs the development of detailed disbursement plans for each project and strict adherence to the disbursement plan on a monthly and quarterly basis. This includes conducting inspections and monitoring progress to address difficulties in a timely manner. Furthermore, it is necessary to proactively follow the mechanism of assignment, delegation of responsibilities, and clear coordination. Regarding investors, project management boards, organizations, and individuals who deliberately create difficulties, slow down the disbursement of capital, and implementation of public investment capital, strict sanctions should be applied to these entities. Officials with weak capacities that cause stagnation and inconvenience should be replaced. Localities are responsible for focusing on resolving issues related to mining permits and exploitation of raw materials such as stone, land, and sand to serve projects, as well as announcing the prices of construction materials within their jurisdiction. They should regularly inspect and closely manage construction material prices and direct relevant agencies to monitor market developments.
  3. Regarding the responsibilities of ministries, the Ministry of Planning and Investment should focus on monitoring and reporting the progress of disbursement by central-level ministries, agencies, and localities on a monthly basis to ensure the completion of the plan for the disbursement of public investment capital in 2023. They should also promote the development, evaluation, and improvement of planning in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Law. The Ministry of Finance should instruct the State Treasury to ensure timely and transparent payment and settlement, along with coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and other agencies to closely monitor the situation. The Ministry of Construction is responsible for updating prices and price indices for construction materials, proposing solutions to supply construction materials, and ensuring compliance with regulations on the use of new materials as replacements for construction projects. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment should promote the resolution of difficulties and obstacles related to mining permits and land to ensure the smooth progress of public investment projects and advise on the completion of the amended Land Law and submit draft decrees to the Government according to the dispatch of the Government in related documents.


See the details of the Document at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1my928zpngoh04cXpuvb3u64FoegPALdL/view?usp=sharing


For more information, please contact:

Hoang Pham (James) / Managing Partner at: hoang.pham@vselawyers.com


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