Fire protection license is one of the popular "sub-licenses" today. This is a legal document proving that the granted object has a design that meets the requirements for fire prevention and fighting as prescribed by law.



Fire protection license is one of the popular "sub-licenses" today. This is a legal document proving that the granted object has a design that meets the requirements for fire prevention and fighting as prescribed by law.

Procedures for applying for a fire prevention and fighting license:

1. Establishments shall apply for a fire prevention and fighting permit include:

  • Apartment buildings, collective houses, mixed houses, residential houses in combination with trading in flammable goods and substances;
  • Educational institutions;
  • Business establishments providing entertainment services such as cinemas, karaoke, discos, bars, beauty salons,...;
  • Accommodation service business establishments;
  • Public works;
  • Working offices of enterprises, political and social organizations;
  • Establishments producing, transporting, trading in and preserving flammable and explosive substances such as petroleum and petroleum products, gas, industrial explosives.

2. Dossier of application for a fire prevention and fighting license

  • A written request for a license for fire prevention and fighting;
  • A list of facilities, fire prevention and fighting equipment and facilities;
  • Decision on establishment of grassroots fire prevention and fighting team and list of individuals who have been trained in fire prevention and fighting;
  • Fire prevention plan;
  • Certified copy of the certificate of competence in fire prevention and fighting; written acceptance of fire prevention and fighting for establishments; minutes of safety inspection of fire prevention and fighting for motor vehicles.

3. Procedures for applying for a fire prevention and fighting license

Step 1: Prepare the fire prevention and fighting license dossier and submit it to the respective competent agency: Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department and Rescue and Rescue; or the Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue and Rescue of the Provincial Police.

Step 2: After receiving the complete dossier, within 07 days from the date on which it is written on the receipt, the competent authority shall conduct the appraisal of the dossier.

Step 3: From the date of completion of the pre-acceptance test of the dossier, if there is no request for correction or addition, within 15 days, the competent authority shall issue a fire prevention and fighting license.

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