Investment registration certificate is one of the necessary legal documents that investors cannot ignore when planning to carry out business investment activities in Vietnam. So how is the investment certificate under current law regulated?



Investment registration certificate is one of the necessary legal documents that investors cannot ignore when planning to carry out business investment activities in Vietnam. So how is the investment certificate under current law regulated?


  1. Concept of Investment Registration Certificate

According to the Law on Investment 2020, an investment certificate is a paper or electronic document. The contents of the investment certificate record the investor's registration information about the investment project.


  1.  Procedures for issuance of an Investment Registration Certificate
  1. Compulsory cases of carrying out procedures for issuance of an Investment Registration Certificate
  1. Investment projects of foreign investors;
  2. Investment projects of economic organizations

Economic organizations must satisfy conditions and carry out investment procedures as prescribed for foreign investors when (i) investing in the establishment of other economic organizations; (ii) Investment in capital contribution, purchase of shares, purchase of contributed capital of other economic organizations; (iii) investment in the form of BCC contracts.

  1. Cases where Procedures for issuance of an Investment Registration Certificate are not required
  1. Investment projects of domestic investors;
  2. Investment projects of economic organizations other than the cases mentioned in Section II.1b;
  3. Investment in the form of capital contribution, purchase of shares, purchase of contributed capital of economic organizations.

If the investor wishes to issue an Investment Registration Certificate for an investment project in the cases specified in Clauses II.2a and II.2b, the procedures for issuance of an Investment Certificate shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Investment 2020.

  1. The case where an investment project needs approval of investment policies

For investment projects for which the Law on Investment 2020 stipulates that the competence to approve investment policies belongs to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, provincial People's Committees, domestic investors and economic organizations as prescribed in Section II.1b to implement the investment project after obtaining approval from the above agencies.


  1. Contents of the Investment Registration Certificate

The investment registration certificate records the following information:

  1. Name of investment project;
  2. Name of investors;
  3. Investment project number;
  4. Location of investment project, land area used;
  5. Objectives and scale of investment projects;
  6. Investment capital of investment projects (including contributed capital of investors and mobilized capital);
  7. Operation term of the investment project;
  8. Progress of investment projects;
  9. Forms of incentives, investment support and grounds and conditions for application (if any);
  10. Conditions for investors to implement investment projects (if any).

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