Dissolving a business, in accordance with the Law on Enterprises 2020 and Decision No. 885/QD-BKHDT, involves legal procedures and online business dissolution registration documentation. Currently, the registration fees and charges for dissolution are waived.



1. Legal basis

  • Enterprise Law 2020
  • Decision No. 885/QD- BKHDT

2. Overview of enterprise dissolution

Dissolution is the termination of the existence or operation of an enterprise that is no longer or no longer qualified to exist as a whole. Accordingly, the business owner must carry out legal procedures to terminate the legal status and related rights and obligations of the business with the Business Registration Authority.

3. Online application for enterprise dissolution registration

3.1. Application for enterprise dissolution registration

  • Notice of dissolution
  • Minutes of Dissolution
  • Decision to dissolve
  • Minutes and decisions on asset liquidation
  • Notice of tax code closure
  • Notice of dissolution
  • Business registration certificate (original)

3.2. How to submit application for enterprise dissolution registration

  • In case of electronic registration using public signature

- The applicant declares information, downloads electronic documents, signs and authenticates the business registration application via the electronic information network and pays business registration fees and charges according to the process on the international information portal. expert on business registration (

- After completing the submission of the business registration application, the applicant will receive a receipt of the business registration application via the electronic information network. - In case the application meets the conditions for business registration, the Business Registration Office shall issue business registration and notify the business of the business registration.

- In case the dossier does not meet the conditions for business registration, the Business Registration Office sends a notice via the electronic information network to the enterprise to request amendments and supplements to the dossier.

  • In case of electronic registration, use the Business Registration Account

- The applicant uses the business registration account to declare information, download electronic documents and authenticate the business registration application via the electronic information network and pay business registration fees and charges. following the process on the national business registration portal ( In case of authorization to carry out business registration procedures via electronic information network using the business registration account, the authorization document must have contact information of the authorizer to authenticate the submission of registration documents. businesses through electronic information networks.

- After completing the submission of registration documents, the applicant will receive a Receipt of business registration documents via the electronic information network.

- The Business Registration Office issues business registration to businesses in case the application is eligible and notifies the business about the issuance of business registration. In case the dossier does not meet the conditions, the Business Registration Office will send a notice via electronic information network to the enterprise to request amendments and supplements to the dossier.

3.3. Fees and charges for registration of enterprise dissolution.

- Fees and charges are being waived


For more information, please contact:

Hoang Pham (James) / Managing Partner at:


Attention: This legal update is not an advice and should not be treated as such.

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