The field of atomic energy is an energy-related field that the whole world invests in and develops. But at the same time with the development of atomic energy, the guarantee of human safety against the terrible influence of radioactive substances and radiation is extremely great.



The field of atomic energy is an energy-related field that the whole world invests in and develops. But at the same time with the development of atomic energy, the guarantee of human safety against the terrible influence of radioactive substances and radiation is extremely great.

To implement a radiation work, organizations and individuals conducting radiation work must have permits, except for the following cases:
- Producing, processing, importing, exporting, packing, transporting, storing and using radioactive substances with activities from the level of license exemption or less;
- Using radioactive sources, radiation equipment on the list of which are not licensed.

Conditions for granting a license to conduct radiation work:
* For organization:

- Established in accordance with the law;
- Conduct radiation work in accordance with operational functions;
- Having appropriate human resources, material and technical facilities;
- Satisfy the conditions for ensuring safety and security for each specific radiation job as prescribed by this Law;
- Complete dossiers and procedures for applying for permits in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.
* For individuals:
- Having full capacity for civil acts;
- Conduct radiation work in accordance with the practice registration or business registration;
- Have appropriate professional qualifications;
- Satisfy the conditions for ensuring safety and security for each specific radiation job as prescribed by this Law;
- Complete dossiers and procedures for applying for permits in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.

Procedures for applying for a license to conduct radiation work:
Step 1:
Organizations and individuals update their application for a license to conduct radiation work:

- Application include:
+ License application;
+ Quantity, type, characteristics, origin and purpose of use of radioactive substances, radiation equipment, nuclear materials and nuclear equipment;
Documents evidencing eligibility for human resources; training plan, human resource training;
+ Safety assessment report or safety analysis report for each specific radiation job;
+ Quality assurance process;
+ Plans to respond to radiation and nuclear incidents for each specific radiation job;
+ Planned record keeping system and reporting system.

- How to update profile:
+ Organizations and individuals update their application for a license to conduct radiation work (except using suspected medical X-ray equipment) in one of the following ways:
· Online at the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Science and Technology (except for administrative procedures under the national and ASEAN single-window mechanism);
· Directly or through the postal service to the Ministry of Science and Technology.
+ Organizations and individuals update their application for a license to conduct radiation work using medical diagnostic X-ray equipment in one of the following ways:
· Online at the Provincial Civil Service Commission;
· Directly or through the postal service to the Public Administration Service Center or the result-receiving and returning division of the specialized agency on science and technology of the provincial-level People's Committee.

Step 2: From the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the competent state agency must check the completeness and validity of the dossier and notify in writing free of charge of the valid dossier or notify in writing. a written request to amend and supplement the dossier if the dossier is invalid within 5 working days.

Step 3: After receiving complete and valid dossiers and valid fees, competent agencies shall organize the appraisal of dossiers and grant licenses in:
- Fifteen days for import, export and transit transportation;
- Twenty-five days for X-ray equipment for medical use;
- Thirty days for shipping;
- Forty-five days for other radiation work.

In case the permit is not granted, within the above time limit, it must reply in writing and clearly state the reason.

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